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Why my view doesn't update?

Why my view doesn't update?

If you start working with Unistyles 3.0, it might be unclear why some views are updated while others aren’t. Before diving into this guide, make sure you’ve read the other guides covering the basics of the new Unistyles:

Problem 1: Babel

To leverage ShadowTree updates and avoid unnecessary re-renders, Unistyles must process both StyleSheets and your components. By default, the Babel plugin looks for react-native-unistyles imports and always ignores the node_modules folder.

If you separate StyleSheets from your components, it’s your responsibility to configure Babel to detect components that lack a Unistyles import. We’ve added plenty of options, so be sure to check them out.

Problem 2: Dependency detection

Unistyles will automatically detect all your dependencies for every StyleSheet, but there’s a chance you used custom syntax that isn’t covered by the plugin. If Babel fails to detect some style dependencies, they won’t be updated when necessary.

You can easily debug this issue by adding the following Babel plugin configuration:

module.exports = function (api) {
return {
// other config
plugins: [
// other plugins
['react-native-unistyles/plugin', {
debug: true

Then, restart the Metro server cache and check the console, where you’ll find every file and style with its detected dependencies.

Problem 3: Non React Native components

Unistyles can only update React Native components. If you’re using a third-party component, you’ll need to apply a different strategy. Follow our decision algorithm to help you choose the best approach.

Problem 4: Web styles are not applied

This issue indicates that the Babel plugin didn’t detect some of your components. Initially, it may seem like native styles are working correctly, but that’s not the case.

On mobile, styles are returned the same way as in React Native. You can always console.log them to inspect the parsed values:

export const MyView: React.FunctionComponent = () => {
console.log(styles.container) // { backgroundColor: 'red' }
return (
const styles = StyleSheet.create({
container: {
backgroundColor: 'red'

For the web, styles are not returned directly, as they are converted into CSS classes. If you try to log them, there will be no output:

export const MyView: React.FunctionComponent = () => {
console.log(styles.container) // {}
return (
const styles = StyleSheet.create({
container: {
backgroundColor: 'red'

That’s why you might mistakenly think the problem is only on the web. Please follow the Babel config to ensure all your components and StyleSheets are detected correctly.