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Migration guide

How to migrate from Unistyles 2.0

The migration process is quite simple, but it can be tedious since you’ll need to remove a lot of the existing code.

  1. Follow installation steps from Getting started guide.

  2. Replace your configuration with new one.

    UnistylesRegistry can be easily replaced with StyleSheet.configure as it follows the same syntax. Themes and Breakpoints work exactly the same. For Settings we removed 4 out of 6 options:

    import { UnistylesRegistry } from 'react-native-unistyles'
    import { StyleSheet } from 'react-native-unistyles'
    adaptiveThemes: false,
    initialTheme: 'dark',
    plugins: [...],
    experimentalCSSMediaQueries: true,
    windowResizeDebounceTimeMs: 100,
    disableAnimatedInsets: true
    settings: {
    adaptiveThemes: false, // works exactly the same like in 2.0
    initialTheme: 'dark', // works exactly the same like in 2.0
    // plugins are removed, instead transform your styles with static functions
    // experimentalCSSMediaQueries: these options is also removed, and enabled by default with custom parser
    // windowResizeDebounceTimeMs: removed, there is no debouncing anymore. Styles are updated with CSS media queries
    // disableAnimatedInsets: removed, insets won't re-render your views
  3. Import StyleSheet from react-native-unistyles:

    import { createStyleSheet, useStyles } from 'react-native-unistyles'
    import { StyleSheet } from 'react-native-unistyles'
  4. Replace createStyleSheet with StyleSheet.create:

    const stylesheet = createStyleSheet(theme => ({
    const stylesheet = StyleSheet.create(theme => ({
  5. Remove all occurrences of useStyles hook:

    const { styles } = useStyles(stylesheet)
  6. Rename your stylesheet to styles:

    const stylesheet = StyleSheet.create(theme => ({
    const styles = StyleSheet.create(theme => ({
  7. If you used useInitialTheme, remove it and set initial theme in StyleSheet.configure:

    import { StyleSheet } from 'react-native-unistyles'
    settings: {
    initialTheme: () => {
    // get preferred theme from user's preferences/MMKV/SQL etc.
    // must be synchronous
    return storage.getString('preferredTheme') ?? 'light'
  8. If you need to access your theme in component, refactor it to use withUnistyles:

    import { Button } from 'react-native'
    import { useStyles } from 'react-native-unistyles'
    import { withUnistyles } from 'react-native-unistyles'
    const UniButton = withUnistyles(Button, theme => ({
    color: theme.colors.primary
    const MyButton = () => {
    return <UniButton />
    const MyButton = () => {
    const { theme } = useStyles(stylesheet)
    return <Button color={theme.colors.primary} />
    return <UniButton />
  9. If you want to speed up the migration process, but keep your views re-rendered, use useUnistyles hook:

    import { Button } from 'react-native'
    import { useUnistyles } from 'react-native-unistyles'
    const MyText = () => {
    const { theme } = useUnistyles()
    return (
    <Button color={theme.colors.primary} />
  10. If you need to access breakpoint to show/hide your components use Display and Hide components instead:

    import { Text } from 'react-native'
    import { Display, Hide, mq } from 'react-native-unistyles'
    const MyText = () => {
    return (
    <Display mq={mq.only.width(0, 400)}>
    <Text>This text is visible on small devices</Text>
    <Hide mq={mq.only.width(400)}>
    <Text>This text is hidden on big devices</Text>
  11. If you used UnistylesProvider, remove it as it has no effect anymore:

    import { UnistylesProvider } from 'react-native-unistyles'
    <App />
  12. If you want to move your component based on keyboard position, use ime inset:

    const style = StyleSheet.create({
    container: {
    paddingBottom: rt.insets.bottom // bottom is no longer dynamic
    paddingBottom: rt.insets.ime
  13. Some UnistylesRuntime methods have been renamed. Follow TypeScript types to use new names.

  14. Some UnistylesRuntime methods have been removed:

    UnistylesRuntime.addPlugin(plugin) // Unistyles has no plugins anymore
    UnistylesRuntime.removePlugin(plugin) // Unistyles has no plugins anymore
    UnistylesRuntime.statusBar.setColor(color) // removed due to Android 15 deprecation
    UnistylesRuntime.navigationBar.setColor(color) // removed due to Android 15 deprecation
  15. UnistylesRuntime methods that accepted color and alpha have been changed to accept color only. Each method supports any color that is respected by React Native:

    UnistylesRuntime.setRootViewBackgroundColor(color, alpha) // no need for separate alpha
    UnistylesRuntime.setRootViewBackgroundColor(color) // accepts any color
  16. hairlineWidth has been moved from UnistylesRuntime to StyleSheet. Use StyleSheet.hairlineWidth instead:

    UnistylesRuntime.hairlineWidth // no longer available
    StyleSheet.hairlineWidth // matches StyleSheet API
  17. If your app used variants, move config to styles.useVariants instead:

    import { useStyles } from 'react-native-unistyles'
    import { StyleSheet } from 'react-native-unistyles'
    const MyComponent = () => {
    const { styles } = useStyles(stylesheet, {
    variant1: 'primary',
    variant2: 'secondary'
    variant1: 'primary',
    variant2: 'secondary'
    return <View style={styles.container} />
  18. Style is not bound! error or Unistyles: we detected style object with N unistyles styles. (...) warning

    If you encountered this warning or error, it means that you’re spreading your styles. This is not possible in Unistyles 3.0 anymore as spreading will remove C++ state:

    // not ok
    const styles = {...style1, ...style2}
    <View style={styles} />
    // not ok
    <View style={{...style1, ...style2}} />

    Instead, use array syntax provided by React Native:

    // ok
    <View style={[style1, style2]} />

    By using array syntax, we know the order of merging that is necessary to resolve styles correctly.

    Learn more about merging styles.