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For library authors

Build your own UI kit with Unistyles

Unistyles is highly extensible and can be used to build UI kits and various other projects. We maintain the core, so you can create any abstraction on top of it.

Using Unistyles in your library

StyleSheet.configure must be invoked as soon as possible, before the metro bundler references any StyleSheet from your library.

You can then call StyleSheet.configure multiple times to override configurations. However, keep in mind that StyleSheet.configure makes a roundtrip to C++, which can add a few ms to your app’s startup time.

To manipulate your config without replacing it, use UnistylesRuntime.

Unistyles never re-renders

Unistyles’ C++ core ensures that your components never re-render. Instead, they are updated directly from C++ and Shadow Tree.

No React Context - no additional setup

Unistyles does not use the React Context API. This means that users do not need to wrap their app with a Provider, reducing boilerplate code and making your library more user-friendly.

New architecture only

Unistyles won’t re-render your components unless you want to. While it requires enabling the New Architecture, we believe this trade-off is worthwhile, as more apps are expected to transition to the New Architecture in the coming months.

Minimum requirements

Unistyles is compatible with:

  • React Native version >=0.76
  • TypeScript >5.0
  • iOS 15.0+
  • Android 7+

Out of the box support for Web

Building a UI kit for both React Native and Web couldn’t be easier. Unistyles automatically manages your styles and converts them into CSS classes.

Babel config

Make sure to instruct your users to add autoProcessPaths babel option. It will whitelist your ui-kit and process your files even though there are in node_modules folder.

Why to choose Unistyles?

Unistyles offers a unique architecture unavailable in any other library. Fully compatible with the React Native StyleSheet API, it is easy to use and extend.

By avoiding component abstraction, Unistyles gives you the freedom to create your own. It supports various platforms and is designed to be easily extendable.

Do you have any questions? Feel free to ask in our Discord.