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Mini Runtime


Mini runtime was introduced in Unistyles 2.8.0 as a subset of UnistylesRuntime containing only the properties that are useful in your StyleSheet.

It doesn’t include any functions, as they aren’t necessary when you’re referencing your platform values.

Mini runtime returns following object:

type MiniRuntime = {
readonly themeName?: string, // eg. light or undefined if you haven't registered any themes
readonly breakpoint?: string, // eg. sm or undefined if you haven't registered any breakpoints
readonly hasAdaptiveThemes: boolean, // true if you have enabled adaptive themes
readonly colorScheme: ColorScheme, // eg. light or dark or unspecified
readonly screen: Dimensions, // eg. {width: 1024, height: 768}
readonly contentSizeCategory: string, // eg. Large
readonly insets: Insets, // eg. { top: 28, bottom: 40, left: 0, right: 0 , ime: 0 }
readonly pixelRatio: number, // eg. 3.0
readonly fontScale: number, // eg. 1.5
readonly rtl: boolean // true if your user prefers RTL
readonly statusBar: Dimensions, // eg. { width: 240, height: 20, }
readonly navigationBar: Dimensions // eg. { width: 240, height: 44, }
readonly isPortrait: boolean, // true if your device is in portrait mode
readonly isLandscape: boolean // true if your device is in landscape mode

Mini runtime is automatically injected when Unistyles resolves a StyleSheet that depends on it.