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Compound Variants

Compound Variants

You can extend your StyleSheets even more by using compound variants.

Compound variants are a way of applying additional styles when certain conditions are met. This approach simplifies the management of complex styling by reducing redundancy and increasing flexibility of your StyleSheets.

Basic usage

Let’s say you created a base Typography component with following variants:

const styles = StyleSheet.create(theme => ({
baseText: {
fontFamily: theme.fonts.base,
fontWeight: 'normal'
themedText: {
variants: {
size: {
small: {
fontSize: 12
medium: {
fontSize: 16
large: {
fontSize: 20
isBold: {
true: {
fontWeight: 'bold'
color: {
primary: {
color: theme.colors.primary
secondary: {
color: theme.colors.secondary
link: {

What if you’ve received a new requirement where the text should be underlined when isBold is true and color is link? This task could be challenging while using features like dynamic functions as you would need to use ifs in your StyleSheet.

Usage with Compound variants

With compound variants it can be achieved in a more concise way:

const styles = StyleSheet.create(theme => ({
baseText: {
fontFamily: theme.fonts.base,
fontWeight: 'normal'
themedText: {
variants: {
size: {
small: {
fontSize: 12
medium: {
fontSize: 16
large: {
fontSize: 20
isBold: {
true: {
fontWeight: 'bold'
color: {
primary: {
color: theme.colors.primary
secondary: {
color: theme.colors.secondary
link: {
compoundVariants: [
isBold: true, // when isBold is true
color: 'link', // and color is link
// apply following styles
styles: {
textDecorationLine: 'underline'
// and more styles

Styles from the compoundVariants array will take precedence over the styles defined in the variants object. You can define multiple compoundVariants in the array to handle different combinations of style properties. This allows for more granular control and customization of your component’s appearance.